Fall break has come and gone, and October is already coming to an end. In the days leading up to the break, I worked on making every field of a Hendrix Today event editable in the admin portal. The end result isn’t a UX masterpiece (it still uses the default Material 3 purple style on basically everything), but it gives the user a lot more information and control than before. In particular, the ability to delete individual events and see the entire contents of long string fields are some of the shiny new features that I probably shouldn’t be proud about but had to be added nonetheless.

Dr. Goadrich and I met with the Communications department the day before break, showing them the new functionality and live-testing it for them to see and learn, and they loved it! We also asked them if there were any other issues they were having with the uploader, and they didn’t have any other complaints about it. This means my days of working on the Hendrix Today app are coming to a close – I’m not awaiting the day, but it will be nice to have some closure.

Starting this week, I’ll be transferring back to the iSeeGreen web app that was my final project in CSCI 340 Databases and Web Systems. It was left in a satisfactory state after the class ended but still lacked some core features that were originally promised to the client. I’m excited to pick it back up for several reasons, but primarily just because I miss working on a project with others! It got so lonely in the Hendrix Today uploader. I’ll also be moving away from the Flutter framework and into .NET again – I’m out of practice, but it wasn’t too long ago and I’ve got colleagues to aid my recollection. The only part I’m not looking forward to is Azure remote hosting management, the nightmare that haunted me for like 72 hours last December. I have no interest in either its continued use or existence, and I hope Microsoft goes bankrupt as punishment for creating such a malicious machination.