Hello World!
Hello, world!
In this blog, I’ll keep updates on my experiences, stories, and hardships encountered while working for Disco Tray Studios. I’ll try to update every Friday (as, conveniently enough, today is) and discuss the progress we’ve made, the challenges we’re currently facing, and our forecast for the following week. And of course, since this is a blog, I’ll include my own personal introspectives to make it more palatable than a glorified timesheet.
We just started work yesterday, but our first order of business is to review the five mobile apps from last semester’s class (one of which I worked on), get them to a compile-able state, and start writing GitHub issues. Before we can start writing issues, however, we need to find each project’s requirements document. It would be tough to write good issues without knowing precisely what each app needs, and since some of them are in a pretty rough shape, it’s difficult to extrapolate the design goals from just the project. We’ll be working on this until our next meeting with Dr. Goadrich next Tuesday.
Check out Disco Tray Studios’ GitHub and website to learn more.